Xue Hu

Ph.D. Student of Computer Science and Technology.


Chongqing University of Post and Telecomunications

Hi Here. Welcome to Xue Hu’s page! I am a first-year Ph.D. at the Fusion Lab at the Chongqing University of Post and Telecommucations, supervised by Prof. Zhu. My Ph.D. research interests mainly focus on SLAM and MOT under dynamic environment of intelligent car.

I graduated with an MPhil from the Bohai University, supervised by Prof. Hongxia Cui. My MPhil research interests mainly in V-SLAM. Because of lab cooperation, I know other aspects, like SLAM, Drone devices developing.

I’m also looking for a short internship/visiting position, if you are interested in my research, please feel free to contact me.


Jan 1, 2024 Publish this site! :partying_face:

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  1. 2023-paper-1.png
    Research on an improved RGB-D camera SLAM odometer algorithm
    Hongxia Cui, Hu Xue, and Hanqing Hu
    In International Conference on Computer Graphics, Artificial Intelligence, and Data Processing (ICCAID 2022), 2023